Saturday, August 4, 2007

Three Men Who Changed the World

"When I was young, I wanted to change the world. The world still needs changing. I just tired of trying to change it." These words were spoken to me by a business man in Raleigh, NC in 1981, who had been a Baptist pastor and quit. Silently, I said, "Oh God! Don't ever let this be my attitude!"

Sam Thomas was my Associate Pastor at the Portland Avenue Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK in the 1970's. Today, he is 94 years old; lives in Huntington, TX; preaches in a Methodist Church and has NEVER spent a night in the hospital or taken a prescription drug. He often says, "I'm not dead yet." Which of these two men do you want to follow? The quitter or the believer who will be faithful until death?

Abraham, JESUS and Mohammed changed their world. The first gave us the Old Testament; the second the New Testament and third the Qu'ran (Koran). Nearly 50% of the world follow these 3 men in 2007. One lived 4,000 years ago, the other 2,000 years ago and the last one l,500 years ago. When Jews, Christians and Muslims can mutually love, pray and respect each other and teach and practice RELIGIOUS FREEDOM our world will be a safer and better place.

The JEWS anticipate the coming of the Messiah. The MUSLIMS honor Jesus as a Prophet. One third of the world believes that JESUS is the Jews' Messiah and the Prophet Moses said would come after him. They also believe that he is greater than all the prophets and is the Son of Man, Son of God, Saviour, Lord, Christ, Creator, Lord of lords and King of kings. When Jews believe Jesus is their Messiah and the Muslims confess that he is MORE THAN A PROPHET then the ONE AND ONLY PRINCE OF PEACE will bring peace to our hearts, homes and nations.

It's NOT too late to change the world. It can be done "one heart at a time," "one family at a time" and "one nation at a time." COME! Let's work together to change our world through prayer--through love--through the truth of Abraham, Mohammed and JESUS who said he was "the Way, the TRUTH and the Life."

Most people don't believe the world can be changed. A few "weird" people believe it can. Classify YOURSELF! As for me and my house we believe that "Nothing is impossible with God" and that "All things are possible through the prayer of faith." Let us PRAY!

1 comment:

Kyra said...

I suppose Im one of the weird ones in this matter then. Ive always told people one day, through Christ, Im gonna change the world! I believe that way because God really can do anything! People dont have much faith anymore...thats the sad thing, Ive always prayed that God would keep my heart burdened for the lost souls of this world, and never let me loose hope. My prayers are for this cause and always will be!
Kyra Neal