Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dancing in the Rain

Raindrops will fall on your head. An umbrella or shelter may shield you, but still they will fall. With the rain come wind, thunder, lighting, storms, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes. Water can quench the thirst of a soul and parched land or it can create a watery grave. All sunshine and no rain makes a desert but too much brings destruction.

Life at its best is not waiting for the storm to pass but dancing in the rain. An African Christian said, "Everything meaningful to a people will be sung and danced." When the Pharisees fasted twice a week Jesus and the disciples were "feasting and celebrating." Since there's a time and season for everything the Lord said, "the day will come when you fast." The question is--can we fast and dance simultaneously? Can we dance when sorrow, sickness, poverty, pain and disappointment overwhelm us?

Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Peter informs new Christians that they should not be surprised when fiery trials come. James, the Lord's brother, says in his splendid letter, "Count it all joy when various times of testing come." In other words, praise the Lord when it rains on your parade.

Three phases aptly describe Paul's life. He was constantly in a storm, had just come through one or was preparing to encounter another. Confined to a dark and dismal prison, without books and adequate clothing, he rejoiced in whatever state he was and exhorted the Philippian believers to do the same. In the world's eyes he had become a "fool for Christ's sake" but was "more than a conqueror through Christ who loved him." Only "fools" can sing and dance in the rain as they fear nothing but God, worry about nothing and give thanks in all things. This is the abundant and normal Christian life.

Your comments are appreciated. We can be reached at or 765-449-1988. If this ministry blesses you--tell a friend! Jack and Ginnie Robbins, Lafayette, IN, USA.

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