Thursday, June 28, 2007

Welcome to our LOVEM Ministries Blog

What a blessing it is to keep learning in your older years! With the help of my young friend, Maggie Fields, Ginnie and I are in the process of discovering how to blog. After pastoring for forty one years and being a Baptist missionary for the last three years in west central Indiana I was strongly advised by my evaluation committee after one year to learn some computer skills which we both lacked. Being negligent of developing this skill Ginnie and I have worked toward becoming more efficient in the last eighteen months. My Administrative Assistant told me one day that those who called me into this position did not know I was 30 years behind in this area of communication. I guess you can "teach an 'old' dog new tricks."

In 1981 we organized LOVEM Ministries, Inc. With a passionate desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible we pray and trust that this medium will also assist us in sharing the good news to those who have not discovered the way of gladness, joy and truth that we've found in Christ the Lord.

One of our primary ministries is intercessory prayer. Years ago I attended a prayer conference in Kansas City organized by Bill and Vonette Bright of Campus Crusade of Christ. Dick Eastman spoke on the subject "Change the World Through Prayer." After hearing that message I started praying for the nations of the world which continues to this day. There are some 247 sovereign nations and territories on planet earth. Since God so loved the WORLD and He is no respecter of persons then it seems that EVERY ONE ought to have the opportunity of hearing the good news that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). If we can assist you in this faith venture please give us the privilege!