Saturday, July 14, 2007

Discovering Your Purpose in Life

A gravemarker in a French cemetary reads, "Here lies a man who lived and died and never knew why he was born." This testimony is true of countless millions of the dead and LIVING. The GOOD NEWS is that it's not too late for you to find your divine purpose.

Rick Warren's book THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE has sold over 30,000,000 copies. The focus is "What on earth am I here for?" A unique hunger and thirst for purpose in life is evident among young adults.

Jesus said, "What shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lost his soul?" LOVEM Ministries is a fellowship of believers whose heart's desire is to lead and influence as many as possible to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and surrender to his Lordship.

The world is our mission field. We start with our friends, relatives, acqauintances and neighbors. Each one reaches one. Fields are white unto harvest and we pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth laborers. We want to include you on our TEAM of those who "love the world and give themselves" to share the gospel.

Are you a born-again, Bible believing, fishing for men, spiritually annointed Christian? Are you "hot, cold or lukewarm?" What on EARTH are you doing for HEAVEN'S sake? Are you absolutely surrendered to Jesus and is your attitude "I WILL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO; DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO; BE WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY?"

Jesus came to give the world eternal life and abundant life. How can they believe on him when they've never heard and how can they hear without a preacher (Romans 10:9-13)? You have just one life. It will soon be past. Only what you do for Jesus is going to last. If you agree with this message send us an email at Pray for us! May God bless you abundantly as you discover and enjoy his purpose for YOUR life.

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