Saturday, July 28, 2007


Believe it or not--we are engaged in the throes of World War III. Only a few insightful persons acknowledge the fact but time will reveal the truth.

We can win this war against terrorism, spiritual darkness, ignorance and enslavement of nations and people groups if GOD is on our side.

In the Old Testament the Bible records many victories and defeats of the nation Israel and surrounding nations at that time. Israelites believed that GOD fought their battles in victory and in defeat GOD was against them. The GOD we speak of is the "One and only true God" of Adam, Abel, Abraham, Moses,the prophets, David, JESUS CHRIST, the apostles and obedient disciples of JESUS CHRIST the Son of God and Son of Man. Can I get a witness? Amen and Amen!

The weapons in this war are not carnal but spiritual. Bombs, bullets and battles will NOT change the mind nor fill the human heart with the Spirit of God. God's instruments are the Word of God, His Spirit and sanctified obedient servants.

God revealed to Solomon, the wisest of all men until Jesus came, the simple strategy of healing for the nation Israel or any nation that desires victory. In II Chronicles 7:14 the Lord says to the King, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and pray and turn from their wicked ways; THEN I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and HEAL their land."

The RESURGENCE of humility, prayer, seeking GOD'S face and repentance will bring healing from the Lord and a thousand blessings beside. This is a promise from GOD and one thing He cannot do is lie.

In LOVEM Ministries our leadership is actively seeking a Gideon's band of 300 (Judges 7:1-25)fervent intercessors who will storm heaven with effectual praying for all 50 of the United States and the approximately 250 nations/territories of the world. Would you be 1 of the 300? We now have someone in 31 states and 35 countries. We are inviting VOLUNTEERS and seeking NOMINATIONS for this winning team whose GOD can "change the world."

The Bible speaks of David's mighty men and in Hebrews 11 there is FAITH'S HALL OF FAME of men and women whom God used.

John Knox prayed,"Oh God, give me Scotland, or I die." John Wesley prayed for England and a mighty revival swept the land. One hundred and fifty years ago (1857) Jeremiah Lamphier, a layman in New York City, started a noonday prayer meeting that ushered in the LAST great national revival in America. If God has done it 1000 times in the past, HE CAN DO IT AGAIN. Some may ask, "WHERE IS THE LORD GOD OF ELIJAH?" I ask, "Where are the ELIJAHS of the Lord God?"

*If God speaks to your heart we invite you to share a comment or to contact us at or by phone 765-449-1988 (Jack Robbins, Lafayette, IN, USA). Check out

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Pass the Peace---PLEASE!

The ungodly man robs himself of his true purpose and peace. "There is no peace," says the Lord, "for the wicked" (Is. 48:22).

Real peace comes only from him who is the Prince and Source of peace. When sin is honestly confessed and cleansed peace flows like a life-giving stream in the desert of chaos and despair.

The reality of personal and world war lies within every human heart.

In PEANUTS Linus says to Lucy, "I don't want my heart to be half love and half hate. I want to be all love." Lucy responds, "Good for you Linus...all you have to do is lean a little to one side...see? Now the love will get a chance to spill over into the hate!" Watching in the background Charley Brown says, "Good grief!"

When Jesus fills the heart with amazing grace--amazing love, PEACE, joy and goodness flow abundantly. Repent! Believe! Receive! If "peace like a river attendeth your way"--SHARE IT! In Christ's birth angels proclaimed "Peace on earth, good will toward men." From your heart--your home let freedom and peace ring.

TODAY, those without the peace of God and peace with God will pass you by. Smile! Reach out and touch a broken heart. In doing so, you'll discover that it's by giving that we receive and that it is more blessed to give than receive. Try it! You'll like it!

If I could stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I could ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help a fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

*If these thoughts are helpful to you, we invite you to share a comment and tell someone you love. Jack Robbins (, Lafayette, IN, USA. Have a fun-filled day!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Discovering Your Purpose in Life

A gravemarker in a French cemetary reads, "Here lies a man who lived and died and never knew why he was born." This testimony is true of countless millions of the dead and LIVING. The GOOD NEWS is that it's not too late for you to find your divine purpose.

Rick Warren's book THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE has sold over 30,000,000 copies. The focus is "What on earth am I here for?" A unique hunger and thirst for purpose in life is evident among young adults.

Jesus said, "What shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lost his soul?" LOVEM Ministries is a fellowship of believers whose heart's desire is to lead and influence as many as possible to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and surrender to his Lordship.

The world is our mission field. We start with our friends, relatives, acqauintances and neighbors. Each one reaches one. Fields are white unto harvest and we pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth laborers. We want to include you on our TEAM of those who "love the world and give themselves" to share the gospel.

Are you a born-again, Bible believing, fishing for men, spiritually annointed Christian? Are you "hot, cold or lukewarm?" What on EARTH are you doing for HEAVEN'S sake? Are you absolutely surrendered to Jesus and is your attitude "I WILL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO; DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO; BE WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY?"

Jesus came to give the world eternal life and abundant life. How can they believe on him when they've never heard and how can they hear without a preacher (Romans 10:9-13)? You have just one life. It will soon be past. Only what you do for Jesus is going to last. If you agree with this message send us an email at Pray for us! May God bless you abundantly as you discover and enjoy his purpose for YOUR life.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The World is OUR Parish

My spiritual heritage was Methodist until I was baptized a Baptist at the age of nineteen. After conversion, baptism and obedience to a call to missions, evangelism and pastoring I discovered the unique life of John Wesley, the fifteenth child of the nineteen children of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, an Anglican preacher and godly wife and mother. John writes in his journal on March 4, 1738 that he looked upon the world as his parish and that he was under obligation to preach Christ and that he had no parish nor probably ever would. On May 24, 1738 at 8:45 PM at a meeting on Aldersgate Street in London he wrote of his heart being "strangely warmed." Few men since the days of Paul the Apostle have affected mankind more positively toward Christ that Wesley.

In this present hour more than 6.5 billion people are alive in 247 sovereign nations and territories of the world. The great commission to evangelize the world was stated by Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts. With better means of communication than ever before we still have approximately 1.7 billion people who are waiting to hear the "good news."

Jesus calls us to follow him as a faithful witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8). If we are not a missionary--we are a mission field. If we are not fishing for men--we are not following the master fisherman.

LOVEM Ministries, Inc. is seeking to identifiy and associate with Christians and non-Christians in all countries/territories. In recent weeks we have established contacts with friends from Ghana, Kenya, India and Pakistan. WOULD YOU HELP US to locate persons in the USA and internationally who would partner with us in intercessory prayer, spiritual awakening in their country, Christian training, evangelism and church planting?

We can do more TOGETHER than we can independently. One is better than none. Two is better than one and a three-fold cord is not easily broken. Leave us a comment if you can direct us to someone you know from another country. We will make an effort to establish contact. Jesus said that "his father's house was a house of prayer for all nations." One of our young ministers in LOVEM is developing an intercessory prayer ministry for the political leaders of the world. Alfred Tennyson was right when he said "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreamed of." Let us pray!

"Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not" (Jeremiah 33:3).